Dear Husband,
Today we have been married one whole year, ONE WHOLE YEAR! I am not sure where the time went, but damn it went fast. Sometimes I wonder if we let too many days slip away without really rejoicing in the fact that we were able to live that day, we were able to go to sleep that night together, we were able to eat dinner and watch “Friends” before bed, we are able to complain about our days as the other silently listens, and we are able to fight over who loves each other more.. we are so lucky. I say we take more time to sit in the silence and relish in all of the greatness we get to enjoy together, I promise I won’t get mad at you for breathing too loud ; ) Today, we have been married a whole year. I would, without a doubt, say it was the best year of my life. We were able to travel and see new places together, we made our first big purchase as a couple, and we laughed until our bellies hurt…we are so lucky. I can’t wait to see what the future has for us and our (one day) growing family. Some people never find their person, some people never find the one that they cry over (while writing a blog post) because their love is so strong and so awesome…we are so DAMN lucky. I don’t know how I found you, but you walked in my life when I needed you most-you saved me and I didn’t even know it…I am so lucky. Thank you for letting me have the last sour patch kid, the last red bull, the last of anything- you love me that much and it means the world to me. I will never be able to put into words how much you mean to me, or how much you have impacted me; but you are my lobster. my person. my everything. Here is to the next billion years together.
Love, Your Wife. (never gets old)
all photos by Love, The Nelson’s Photography
(also, I will let you touch my butt-so we don’t lose the spark)